Types of Stamps

Types of Stamps

In the long history of the postage stamp, creators have come up with unique and varied ways to distinguish their stamp from other types of stamps. Below, we will highlight some of the most popular stamp types you should expect to see when collecting stamps and/or selling your stamps.

Different tpes of stamps have had different uses.

*  Airmail stamp — to be bought and used for delivery by air service.

*  Booklet — stamps produced and sold in booklets.

*  Carriers stamp — from 1842 to 1860 carrier stamps were used by private mail carriers to deliver mail.

*  Coil Stamps — stamps issued for a vending machine or to be purchased in a roll.

*  Commemorative stamp — issued for a limited time by the post office to commemorate a person or historic event.

*  Definitive stamps —  stamps that are often issued in a series of stamps with different  denominations.

*  Duck stamps —  a stamp that is required by the federal government to hunt ducks and geese.

*  Essay stamp  —  a design that was proposed with a design that differs from the issued stamp.

*  Local Post — stamps that were issued for delivery service within a city or town.

*  Newspaper stamps — issued to pay the cost of mailing newspapers, print media, and periodicals

*  Official Mail stamps — these stamps were issued for use by the official government agencies.

*  Non-Denominated stamps —  a postage that can still be valid after an increase in the price of stamps.

*  Overprints  —  a regularly issued stamp that has been printed over with a new denomination or other titles.

*  Postage currency  —  postage stamps that are printed to be used for currency instead of postage.

*  Postage due  —  a stamp showing the amount owed for postage upon delivery.

*  Revenue stamps  —  revenue stamps were used to collect tax on the following commodities: alcoholic drinks, medical paperwork, tobacco, hunting licenses and other government regulated material.

*  Self-adhesive stamps  —  stamps that self-stuck and did not need to be licked.

*  Semi-postal  —  stamps that were issued with an additional charge for charity. They were also designed to appeal to collectors.

*  Specimen stamp  —  stamps that were sent to Postmasters to determine that the stamp was valid and to avoid forgeries.

*  Telegraph stamps  —  for mailing telegrams.

*  Test stamp  —  stamps used to test sorting and cancelling machines, also wsa called training stamps. Not valid for postage.

*  War tax stamp  —   a variation on the stamp to go towards the cost of war.


As you can see, there are many types of stamps throughout the globe. Contact us if you are curious in selling your stamp collection and we will make sure to take care of you fairly.


The content of this article is freely licensed under the terms of Nicholas Vespucci


Nick’s Stamps was established in 2002 and  is located in San Diego California.

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I found my first stamp collection 13 years ago at a Salvation Army in San Diego and I was hooked from day one! I began to amass more collections and spent a few years researching the stamp market.I started advertising and making offers on stamp collections.

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